How to install WordPress

In this guide, we’ll show you how to manually install WordPress on your web hosting. This option is ideal if you prefer not to use the 1-click installer available with most hosting plans or if it’s not accessible.

System Requirements for WordPress:

  • Web Server: Apache or Nginx
    • Local Development: XAMPP, WAMP, or LAMP stacks are recommended for setting up WordPress on your local machine.
  • PHP: Version 7.4 or greater
  • MySQL: Version 5.7 or greater, or MariaDB version 10.3 or greater
  • HTTPS Support: Recommended
  • Browser Support: Internet Explorer 8+, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera

To install WordPress, follow these steps:

Step 1: Download WordPress

  1. Go to the Official Website: Visit
    Dowload WordPress
  2. Download the Latest Version: Click the “Download WordPress” button to get the latest release.
  3. Extract the Files: Once downloaded, extract the .zip file to a folder on your computer.

Step 2: Upload WordPress to Hosting

For Remote Hosting:
  1. Connect to Your Server: Use an FTP client (like FileZilla) to upload the extracted files to your hosting server’s root directory (usually `public_html`).
  2. Upload the Files: Alternatively, use your hosting cPanel to upload the files.
    Upload WordPress
For Local Development:
  1. Locate Your Local Server Folder: For XAMPP, WAMP, or LAMP, navigate to the htdocs (XAMPP) or www (WAMP/LAMP) folder.
  2. Move WordPress Files: Copy the extracted WordPress files into this directory.
    Upload WordPress Localhost

Step 3: Create a Database

For Remote Hosting:
  1. Log in to your hosting cPanel.
  2. Go to MySQL Databases.
  3. Create a new database.
  4. Create a New Database User: Add a new user with a strong password and assign this user to the database with all privileges.
For Local Development:
  1. Open phpMyAdmin: Go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin in your browser.
  2. Create a new database: Enter a name for your database and click “Create Database.”

Step 4: Configure wp-config.php

  1. Rename `wp-config-sample.php` to `wp-config.php`.
  2. Edit `wp-config.php` and enter the database details:
        define('DB_NAME', 'database_name');
        define('DB_USER', 'username');
        define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password');
        define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
  3. Save the file.

Step 5: Run the Installation

  1. Open Your Website: Go to (for remote) or http://localhost/yourfoldername (for local).
  2. Choose Language: Select your preferred language and click “Continue.”Setup ConfigSetup Config

    Setup Config

  3. Fill in the site information (Site Title, Username, Password, Email).
    Site Info
  4. Click “Install WordPress”.

Step 6: Login to WordPress

  1. After installation, log in with the credentials you created.
  2. Go to (or http://localhost/yourfoldername/wp-admin).
  3. Start Customizing: After logging in, you can begin customizing your site, installing themes, and adding plugins.

By following these steps, you’ll manually install WordPress and be ready to start building your website.

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